Grace, beauty and style are some of the words I use to describe this client, who's name we'll keep anonymous. During our time together, I wondered what she needed me for... most of the home she had designed beautifully herself. I really enjoyed the style and color palette, very classy and beautiful. (I also enjoyed curling up on the sofa for a cup of coffee and discussing accessories.) We went through rooms together, rearranging things. She wanted my thoughts on finalizing each room. I gave some recommendations: a lamp here, some flowers there. But really, she does a great job without any design help. Some people just have the knack. There was one custom item she enlisted my help with... the drapery. She was looking for a tailored and simple design with subtle color fabric. Almost always there is one thing that goes awry in every project. In this case, it was the fabric. Our beloved drapery fabric showed up in a different colorway than the sample we had ordered it from, and was much yellower than the client desired. I am a firm believer in customer service, especially when it comes to clients homes. I took back the drapery, making sure they received a prompt refund and options for alternates. Unfortunately the fabric company we had purchased from didn't feel the same way... and didn't extend any refunds in our direction.
Which was fine, as the story has a happy ending: the drapery fits perfectly in the master bedroom of my new home, and looks wonderful. I smile every time I curl up in my bed with a cup of coffee and remember what a blessing it was to work on this project. |
Project Stories